Passing through the streets of India, all we see is abandoned animals seeking shelter alongside footpaths and finding places to shelter themselves from rain, storm or sun. A majority of the times these animals are driven away from street corners they call homes. As AdoptionHQ our mission is to give these lost souls a forever home. When we faltered and tripped, often jeopardising our rescue operations , identifying and tying the loose threads became our mission. This grind became the foundation of our organization, cemented by our zest, and each success story only made us stronger.
We are a non-profit organization that works towards bridging the gap between potential adopters and animals from shelters, fosters and the streets. . We provide a platform for anyone, who desires to help in their best capabilities. Alongside this we aim to create awareness about the benefits of adoption. In the long run, we dream of empty shelters and providing a roof over the heads of as many animals as we can. For each of you who cares you’ll only make our community stronger. Together we can. Together we will!
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